If you’re looking for tips on having a business at home, this article comes in handy. Working from home is the dream of many people, especially for those who live in the big cities and suffer from the chaotic traffic of every day.
The idea of having a business at home has been adopted by many people, but there is a consensus that to have a business at home requires a lot of planning and discipline.
The type of business you intend to set up in your home does not matter, the fact is always necessary to isolate the home office environment from the family environment otherwise you run the risk of seeing yourself in the midst of complete anarchy and the results will hardly be good.
Believe me, working at home requires discipline and a lot of method. That’s why you need to plan well and come back and make some adjustments.
Main tips to have a business at home
Below we have some tips to have a business at home and worry about the dynamics of this work. You will see that work at home also has its secrets.
1.) Try to know in depth the branch in which you intend to invest
Knowing your competition well is a fundamental step for the success of a business, be it formal or a business set up in the home office models. That is why it is important that you analyze the competition in the region, take courses, go to fairs and seminars, search for similar products and services on the Internet, identify your future customers and their needs.
In addition, of course, make a detailed business plan to have very well defined guidelines for your business. Also research how to set up an office at home.
2.) Stay tuned for zoning issues
Some of the cities in the country that have specific legislation for home workers. Check the legislation that governs the zoning of the neighborhood where you live and see if there are any impediments to opening a business at home.
3.) Don’t forget to ask for the operating license
Any business at home needs an operating license and therefore it is necessary that you apply to your city hall. If the activity is a home based franchise, this is an essential document for closing the business.
4.) If necessary, request the license from the agency responsible for health surveillance
Some activities have very strict rules for operation. For example, the kitchen cannot be the same used by residents; it needs to be installed in an independent area, with tiles to the ceiling and waterproofed floor, among other items. Check with the specific agencies of your city what these rules are so that you do not have problems later on.

5.) Have a space reserved for your home office
Concentrate your activities in a single space, not invading the other rooms of the house. Your family does not need to share your professional routine. Prepare a space in your home, it can be a room, building or garage, to host the new business. Use the same types of furniture and equipment that you would adopt at a commercial point.
6.) Have an independent entrance to receive clients
If you are setting up your business in a home, for greater privacy, install a separate entrance for customers, suppliers or even employees. This gives a more professional look to the business.
There is nothing worse than walking across the room, where the kids are having the most fun or the family is feeding themselves, to get to the counter of a company. Besides bringing a more professional look to your business, this is also good to define well the spaces also for the “internal public”.
7.) Plan your workspace
Plan carefully the space in the house that you will occupy to work, even adopting acoustic treatment on the walls, so that sounds from domestic activities (such as children, television and stereos) do not interfere with your phone calls. A home office is always subject to these problems that either end up disrupting your work or the lives of others in the home.
8.) Have a phone line exclusive for business
Always attend in a formal way and, in your absence, prefer the answering machine to the help of relatives to take notes. Study the case of hiring the services of virtual offices. With them you may or may not have a space to work, you can rent rooms only for meetings and use various services, such as copying machine, motorcycle, mail reception, professional phone service, etc.
9.) Register a domain on the Internet for the creation of your company’s website
For this you need to pay an annual fee to the agency responsible for domain registration. A website is a great business card and helps to give credibility to a new business.
Furthermore, when registering a domain, you also receive an e-mail, which gives a more professional appearance to the contacts made with clients and suppliers.
10.) Set times for the beginning and end of the workday
A little discipline in schedules does no harm to anyone and helps your quality of life and that of your family. One of the main tips to have a business at home is precisely to create a schedule routine so as not to become a slave to your work.
11.) Organize and manage your time well
Meet deadlines and commitments with the client. It’s not because you’re in a garage that you don’t have to be punctual, have a good price and quality products.
12.) Establish clear rules with your family
Define rules with your family so as not to mix problems and situations of domestic life with those of the company. Separate the individual from the legal entity. The company cashier should not be confused with the family safe.
13.) Take care of your appearance
This is one of the tips for having a business at home that many people end up not realizing the importance. It’s not because you’re working at home that you can present yourself in a slipper or a pierced T-shirt. Dress like you’re going to the office. Appearances count for precious points in gaining respect and trust from customers, suppliers and employees, besides increasing your self esteem.
14.) Outsource services
Finalizing our tips to have a business at home, we recommend you to outsource services such as: deliveries, copies or manufacturing. Focus on your business and outsource what you can.
By implementing these tips to have a business at home you will not only gain in terms of productivity, but also in terms of quality of life.